Monday 28 July 2014


fakt ze latem na islandii generalnie nie robi sie ciemno jest wspanialy. latwo traci sie poczucie czasu, zwiedza sie az do 'upadlego' I w wiekszej wolnosci wykorzystuje czas, wiedzac ze nie tyrzeba nigdzie zdazyc przed zmrokiem.
kilka zdjec z 'polnocowego slonca', czyli jest 24.00, slonce zachodzi I w sumie wschodzi zarazem. za horyzont chowa sie tylko na chwile.
jezioro myvatn
how brilliant is the fact that summer in Iceland is NIGHT-LESS. it doesnt really get dark so it's easy to loose time-sense. we were able to explore 'till we 'dropped dead', early mornings and very late nights, all in daylight :)  how liberating is fact that we didn't have to rush to get anywhere before nightfall... as there was no nightfall!
few pictures from 'midnight sun', to make it clear - it's 0.00 / 24.00 / 12am, sun sets and rises at the same time, going under horizon for few moments only.
lake myvatn










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