Wednesday, 6 August 2014


glaumbaer -muzealna wioseczka trawiastych domkow, polozona w polnocnej islandii.
wejscie do srodka domkow platne, ale patrzac tylko z zewnatrz rowniez ma sie dobre pojecie jak wygladalo zycie w takich domostwach.
dojazd droga 75 (kilka kilometrow po zjezdzie z 'jedynki')
glaumbaer -museum/village in northern iceland. very good place to visit if you're interested in turf houses.
there is admission payable to see them inside, but I think that just looking from outside one will have a very good idea of what life must have been like in such dwelling.
directions: road no 75 (just few miles from rd no 1)

 oo, urosly mu wloski!   /  wow, the house grew hair!



 taaaka sciana!   /  such wall!








a jak bedziecie jechac sobie po zadupiach I nagle zobaczycie parujaca lake to znaczy ze plynia nia goracy strumyk I nalezy sie zatrzymac I isc sie wykapac!
and when you drive around Iceland and then in the middle of nowhere you'll see steaming meadow -it means that there is a hot river/stream. what you have to do is stop the car and go have a dip!

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