zaraz przed kraterem viti I wulkanem krafla znajduje sie kolejna warta odwiedzenia atrakcja -leinhjukur. jest to obszar aktywny geotermalnie, a wiec bulgoczace bagienka zalatujace siarka, jak rowniez duze pole lawowe. to wlasnie pole lawowe jest nawet ciekawsze niz bulgoczace bagienka -ze szczelin miedzy zastygna lawa unosi sie siarkowy dym. calosc robi niesamowite wrazenie, krotko mowiac obraz nedzy I rozpaczy, jak po kataklizmie jakims, a dokladnie po wybuchu wulkanu :)
wejscie na obszar jest niestety platne, 800isk, ale warto zaplacic ta kwote, bo takiego interesujacego/dymiacego pola lawowego nie widzialysmy nigdzie indziej na islandii.
just before viti & krafla, there is another large car park dedicated to another brilliant tourist attraction in the area -leinhjukur. this is another geothermal and active area, therefore you'll see here some boiling muddy puddles and smell more of this lovely sulphur smoke. what is more, also in here there is a lava field, and this is a special one. from between lava rocks, fissures, everywhere you'll see smoke coming up from earth. this is incredible, view in front of my was terrifying and fascinating, picture of total cataclysm.. like after volcano eruption. black rocks, hot ground and smoke.
admission 800isk, well worth it, as this area, especially the lava field was the best we've seen in Iceland.
krotki filmik /short video
stare pole lawowe miedzy bulgoczacymi bagienkami a parkingiem / old lava field between boiling puddles and car park
ela, co za pierdziel! / that was a BIG fart, ela!
siara / sulphur
bulgoczace bagienko / boiling muddy swamp
bea ma juz dosc.... / bea has had enough
zaraz na gotujacym blotem zaczyna sie, jak gdyby nigdy nic, pole lawowe. ziemia jest ciepla, wszedzie unosi sie dym a skaly.. coz, co krok sa inne
just after boiling mud, the lava field starts. just like that, no transition area, just boiling mud and 10m further just black lava.
ground is hot, smoke everywhere and rocks.. well, every metre different colours and forms
smokin' arrow baby!