Thursday, 17 July 2014

rd no 94 and BAKKAGERDI

 po mniej pieknych niz sie spodziewalysmy odwiedzinach w seydisfjordur przyszedl czas na odwiedziny kolejnego ze wschodnich fjordow. droga 94 jest bardzo malownicza, prawde mowiac tutaj zaparlo nam dech. jedzie sie najpierw niepozorna zuzloweczka w dolinie, ktora przeradza sie w gorska droge o islandzkich standardach (ostry zakret I 15% w gore). po wjechaniu na grzbiet zaczely sie niesamowite widoki, na doline za nami (zakonczona dluuuuga piaszczysta plaza) oraz na fjord przed nami. potem jeszcze tylko szybkie przejechanie przez kolejna gore I jestesmy w bakkagerdi!
bardzo zaluje ze nie zostalysmy tam dluzej - miejsce jest spokojnie (w sumie na koncu drogi!) I ciche, otoczone gorami I morzem. 5 minut jazdy dalej znajduje sie maly polwysep gdzie latem gniazduja maskonury...
after visiting seydisfjordur (which was less impressive than we hoped for, due to mist!) we took road no 94 and drove towards our next destination in eastfjords. the road is beautiful (road itself is gravel of course) but the surroundings are amazing. we were breathless. at first we drove in the large, wide valley (finished with a long sandy beach) then suddenly the road changed to a 'mountain' type (sharp turns and 15% up!). after reaching the first summit we just couldn't stop admiring the views! then quick drive thru another mountain and we saw bakkagerdi in the distance.
I really regret that we didn't stay there longer, we should have. the place is amazing, quiet, calm, surrounded by mountains and the sea. 5 mins drive further there is a small, tiny peninsula (called 'hofn') where the puffins nest during the summer.
jedziemy do bakkagerdi   /  going to bakkagerdi


taka se droga...   /   just another Icelandic road....

zaczyna sie niezle!  /  wow, views change from beautiful to amazing!


ktory namiot nasz?    /   which is our tent?

wieczorny spacer po okolicy   /   evening exploring walk, always









zobacz spokojny I nawet pogodny wieczor w bakkagerdi
see quiet and peaceful evening in bakkagerdi












info o kampingu. trudno uwierzyc ze na takim zadupiu, straznikiem na kampingu byl.. polak!!!
campsite info. hard to believe, but the campsite warden was.. Polish!

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