krater hjerfjall znajdowal sie zaledwie 5 minut jazdy od naszego kampingu nad jeziorem myvatn. I tak jak kamping otoczony byl zielonoscia bujna, tak hjerfjall jest raczej 'ksiezycowy'. w skrocie: pyl, skaly, czarno/szaro, sucho I surowo. wejscie na gran krateru zajmuje okolo 15 minut, przejscie dookola okolo 1godz. warto sie tam wybrac, bo widoki sa niezle, w kazda strone inne.
crater hjerfjall was about 5 mins drive from our campsite (situated at lake myvatn). and just as the campsite was surrounded by juicy green flora, hjerfjall is a different 'world', actually MOON. black volcanic ash, grey dust and rocks, rough.
walk up to the edge of crater takes about 15mins, walk around the crater about 1 hr.
it is very much worth the effort, views are spectacular, each direction is different.
'jak szkolne' zdjecie na kampingu / 'school-like' tent photo
idziemy do gory na gran krateru / path up to the edge of hjerfjall crater
widok na polnocny wchod / looking north east
na wschod / looking east
widok na polnocny zachod / looking north west
gran krateru / edge of crater
widok na zachod / looking west
dimmuborgir lava field / pole lawowe
widok na poludnie / looking south
co to moze byc? otoz, trawa rozprzestrzeniajaca sie I starajaca zagarnac jalowa pustynie pylu lawowego
what could this be? GRASS! grass trying to cover more and more of the barren ash field
no.. zapylilo nas nieco! / we got seriously ashed!
niestety nie bylo jej w domu.. :( / unfortunately she wasn't home! :(
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