nareszcie ogladamy lodowiec z bliska!
coprawda mialysmy juz okazje zblizyc sie do lodowca poprzedniego dnia (krotko przed vik) ale nie skorzystalysmy, tak wiec tym razem nic by nas juz nie powstrzymalo.
niestety chmury staraly sie przykryc jak najwiecej sie da, tak wiec nie widzialysmy 'calego' lodowca staczajacego sie z gor, ale prawde mowiac -nia narzekam!
skaflafellsjokull i svinafellsjokull polozone sa bardzo blisko siebie, ten pierwszy dlugi I szeroki, drugi nieco mniejszy I krotszy, ale bardziej czysty/bialy. widzac je oba z daleka mialam nadzieje ze droga zaprowadzi nas wlasnie na svinafellsjokull, no I zaprowadzila!
svinafellsjokull & skaflafellsjokull sa czescia ogromnego vatnajokull, najwiekszego lodowca w europie
finally we are checking out the glacier and we're very close to it!
we did have an opportunity to see glacier on previous day (just before vik) but didn't take it, so that day we were desperate (especially me, bea said she didn't see anything exciting about touching the glacier.... weird girl... ), but as for me - nothing's gonna stop me now!
the clouds tried very hard to cover everything, but didn't succeed :) and driving from vik we could see the glaciers in the distance.. not all of it, just the 'tongues'..good enough for me!
skaflafellsjokull and svinafellsjokull are located just few kilometres apart, the first one larger, longer and wider; the later smaller and shorter but definitely cleaner and whiter. I was hoping that our road will take us to svinafellsjokull, and it did!
svinafellsjokull & skaflafellsjokull are part of massive vatnajokull, largest glacier in Europe
when we finished, even bea was amazed :)
lodowce w oddali / glaciers in the distance
w rejonie lodowca sa 'tak jakby' wyznaczone szlaki na wielogodzinne wedrowanie, ale jest to niebezpieczne
in the glacier's area there are some kind of 'tracks and paths' for longer walks, but this is much of a dangerous business
oba / the two
niebieskie obszary to te gdzie lod odlamal sie doslownie kilka godzin temu. im bardziej niebieskie, tym swiezsza 'rana'
blue areas on the glacier mark the places where ice fell off recently. the bluer the area the fresher the 'wound'
oczywiscie mozna zaplacic pareset funtow za przyjemnosc przejscia sie 500metrow po lodowcu...
obviously, you can pay several hundred pounds to have a pleasure of walking ON the glacier .. about 500 yards
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