Wednesday, 16 July 2014


znow kilka fotek z drogi oraz 'podobno 'najbardziej malowniczej miejscowosci na wschodnich fjordach. 'podobno' bo wszyscy sie na ten temat rozpisuja szeroko, a my nic nie zobaczylysmy ... z powodu mgly... no ale zobaczcie sami....
again, some pics from road no 1 and seydisfjordur - apparently the most picturesque village in eastfjords. 'apparently' - as everybody praise its beauty but we didn't manage to see any of it.... all because of the mist!
anyway, check this out...
droga nr 1  /  road no 1


jako ze droga nr 1 na pewnym odcinku nie jest asfaltowana, I jest tylko zwykla zwirowka, postanawiamy skrocic sobie ten odcinek I przejechac droga 939 przez gory. prawde mowiac, poza kilkoma 'zakret I w gore 12%' momentami, droga byla spoko, dobrej jakosci. jak cos to polecam, widoki piekne
as road no 1 is not 'asphalt-made' in some places (and is just a gravel country road) we decided to shorten it a little and drive thru the mountains. we took road no 939. to be honest apart from few 'sharp turn and 12% up' moments, the road was good and not very challenging, very good quality. I do recommend taking it, it's all right and very picturesque


wszystkie drogi na islandii sa traktowane jak drogi publiczne/krajowe, tak wiec nawet na najwiejszym zadupiu, na dziurawej zwirowce  beda rozmieszczone znaki drogowe
tak sie jezdzi po islandzkich 'zwiroweczkach'
all roads in Iceland are treated as proper public roads, therefore even when driving worst road in the middle of nowhere, you will come across road signs.
the drive is more-less like this



droga do seydisfjordur wila sie w nieskonczonosc, 'ostry zakret I w gore' to jest w sumie takie motto drog na fjordach. normalnie widoki bylyby nieziemskie, no ale my trafilysmy na mgle...
road to seydisfjordur seemed to have no end. 'sharp turn and up' might as well be a motto of driving in the fjords. usually, the views are spectacular, we sank in the mist






wiele budynkow zdaje sie byc ruderami, patrzac z zewnatrz, ale w srodku miesci sie zupelnie kulturalna knajpa. kolejna regula islandzka...
many buildings seem to be falling apart (looking from outside) but often those buildings (like the pictured one) are really nice cafes/bars inside. another Icelandic rule..

taaaaa, te widoki!   /  yeah.. those views



konsulat szwedzki  /   Swedish consulate









I kolejna regula islandzka - zupy sa zajesmaczne!   /    and another Icelandic rule -  the soups are hearty and amazingly tasty!

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